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WWII German Führerkompass FK 6 (Fl.23201) – Aviation Compass by W. Ludolph A.G

WWII German Führerkompass FK 6 (Fl.23201) – Aviation Compass by W. Ludolph A.G - 4c042 - - Original, complete The Führerkompass FK 6, designated as Fl.23201, was an aviation compass developed around 1935 by W. Ludolph A.G. in Bremerhaven, Germany. This c

Code : 4c0421
Availability : Available


Original, complete The Führerkompass FK 6, designated as Fl.23201, was an aviation compass developed around 1935 by W. Ludolph A.G. in Bremerhaven, Germany. This compass was integral to the navigation systems of several German aircraft, notably the Dornier Do X, Do 18, and the Focke-Wulf Fw 200. It featured a measurement range spanning from 0 to 360 degrees, allowing for comprehensive directional navigation. A distinctive aspect of the FK 6 was its versatile mounting design, which included a base that permitted both upright and suspended installations, catering to various cockpit configurations.