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About Us

Hello, my name is Asta and I will try my best to make the experience of purchasing, selling or exchanging military collectibles a joyful experience.

The mere fact that the items I offer are commonly from the WWII German era is no way affiliated with my personal feeling or political ideas. The reason we most often discover WWII German collectibles is the manufacture or storage of those items were often based in Czech republic where I live and new items are being recovered or recognized every day here in the attics and basements and scrapyards. Even though such items are still present here the new-finds are being more and more scarce.

You may ask that this is a pretty unusual hobby for a woman. The reason I do this is because I come from family of collectors and many other collectors are around me.

Why would the collectors have a constant need to sell some of the items? The reason is simple – there are many finders, scouts and small dealers of collectibles here and they keep coming to us with their new discoveries. We have to keep buying even the items we do not really intend to collect or the items we already have in our collection because if we would not buy they would stop coming. So in order to keep the collection in check we need to sell.

The items I offer are sometimes in the family collection but sometimes not – often it’s part of our friends collection or owned by collectors that simply offered those items to us because of our name in this field. Because of this – we are dealing with the trust that when You confirm that You want the item we offer You keep Your word.

The items I offer are guaranteed original unless I state in the name that it’s a replica.

Of course the collection is large and what we have on the internet may be less then 5% of it. Because of our position in the field I have an opportunity to offer You my services with searching a specific item that You look for or items for a specific aircraft or other vehicle.

Our collection is based in Prague, capital of Czech Republic, right in the center of Europe. If you want we can demonstrate you our collection, just contact me for time when we can arrange that.