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WWII German Luftwaffe WW II German Aircraft Temp-Anzeiger - TEMPERATURE GAUGE Fl.20349 Ar234, Do24, Go229, Ju88c-6, Ju388, Me262

Bezeichnung: elektr. Temperaturanzeiger für Außenlufttemperatur Anforderungszeichen: Fl.20349 Gerät-Nr.: 127-5001 B-1 Messbereich: – 60 / + 40 °C Hersteller: LGW-Hakenfelde, Berlin Baujahr: ca. 1944

Availability : Available


ORIGINAL, NEW and VERY RARE example of a WW2 German Luftwaffe– 60 / + 40 °C Elek. Temp-Anzeiger (Electrical Temperature Gauge), Fl.20349, as used in many German Aircraft, such as the Ju52,  Ar234,  Do24,  Go229,  Ju88c-6,  Ju388,  Me262 and others. This instrument was mounted on the forward instrument panel, and indicated both the engine oil temperature and coolant temperature to the pilot.